
Gillian Paull

Gillian Paull

Gillian is a Senior Associate in Frontier’s public policy practice where she undertakes research on the labour market and family-related policy for a variety of government departments and non-governmental organisations.

Gillian specialises in analysing and evaluating policy relating to childcare, mothers’ employment and poverty. She has published a wide range of Government reports as well as academic articles in journals such as the Economic Journal and Fiscal Studies. Ongoing and recent work includes studies of childcare provision and policy for the Department for Education; an evaluation of STEM placements for the Nuffield Foundation; an evaluation of the National Childcare Scheme and related research papers for the Irish Government; and research into the impacts of Covid on childcare across England for the Nuffield Foundation.

Gillian has previously worked for the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and has held research and teaching positions at the London School of Economics and Princeton University. She also served as a Specialist Advisor to the House of Lords Committee on Affordable Childcare.