
Michael Yang

Michael Yang

Michael specialises in economic regulation of network industries such as water, energy and transport.

He advises companies on assessing financial issues in the context of their price regulation. Examples of his recent work include economic profitability assessment, financial modelling, estimation of the cost of capital and the assessment of financeability. Clients he has worked with include regulators, regulated companies as well as government departments. Examples are Scottish and Southern Electricity, Northern Ireland Electricity, Irish Water, Changi Airport, EasyJet, the UK Department for Transport, the European Commission DG Markt, and Commission de Régulation de l’Energie in France.

Michael has lectured on finance at Imperial College Business School London. Prior to joining Frontier, he completed a PhD in economics at Maastricht University.


If you could gain one quality or ability, what would it be?

Ability to speak every language like a native (including all accents)

What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?

Average speed cameras

Favourite quote?

"Being angry is to punish yourself for your or other peoples’ stupidity"