
Fulvio Bondiolotti

Fulvio Bondiolotti

Fulvio is an economist and econometrician. He applies economic principles, critical thinking, and quantitative techniques to advise governments, regulators, and businesses. 

Fulvio has extensive experience in the economics of regulated sectors, and he is a specialist in the areas of economic benchmarking, comparative efficiency estimation, and productivity assessment. Fulvio also has experience in financial economics, demand forecasting, and sample design. His work spans numerous sectors, from electricity and gas, to water and aviation.

His clients include government departments, such as the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs, regulators, such as the New South Wales’ Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal and the Singapore Energy Market Authority, and a large number of clients in the private sectors in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region.

Fulvio joined Frontier Economics in 2013, after having graduated cum laude in his Master of Science in Economics from Bocconi University, and his Bachelor of Mathematics from Bicocca University. He has recently relocated to Europe, after having spent six years at Frontier Economics in Sydney, Australia.