Reducing CO2 emissions. Together.
When it comes to reducing CO2 emissions, the automotive industry is of key importance. As early as 2009, the EU set an initial limit of 130 g CO2/km for average fleet emissions, imposing heavy fines if this is exceeded. Electric, plug-in-hybrid and hybrid vehicles have a positive impact on average emissions, and several manufacturers can also enter into a temporary emissions pool and benefit from a joint assessment. To this end, pool members from different companies exchange project-related information: average specific CO2 emissions, emissions targets and the total number of vehicles registered. In 2019, Frontier Economics was commissioned as an independent expert to advise a pool of car manufacturers about their regulatory compliance.
The big picture, down to the smallest detail.
We collected, reviewed and analysed the pool members’ monthly emissions and sales data, evaluated the forecasts for the remaining year and calculated the expected pool performance. Plus, we were commissioned to analyse the emissions balance and financial stability of potential new pool members.
Responding to new challenges.
Our analyses gave the car manufacturers the certainty that their joint CO2 balance is based on valid, independent calculations and is in compliance with regulatory requirements according to the EU’s requirement of an "open, transparent and non-discriminatory participation" of all pool partners. Thus, an important milestone was reached ahead of targets being tightened up again in 2020: To a limit of 95g CO2/km.