Frontier Economics has submitted its response to the European Commission’s public consultation inviting feedback on its draft revised Market Definition Notice.
The Market Definition Notice is being revised for the first time since its adoption in 1997, taking into account the significant developments of the intervening years, in particular digitalisation and new ways of offering goods and services, and to reflect the interconnected and globalised nature of commercial exchanges.
Frontier welcomes the European Commission’s endeavour to update the Market Definition Notice and agrees that it is important to continue to recognise the value of market definition as a tool used to identify and define the boundaries of competition between undertakings. In this context, the purpose of this response is not to comment comprehensively on all aspects of the proposal, but rather to focus on a number of specific parts of the Notice that we believe can be further clarified or improved.
The European Commission’s public consultation ended on 13th January 2023. We look forward to reading the final version of the revised Market Definition Notice later this year.
Read our full response here.
Frontier regularly advises clients on antitrust issues relating to European and national competition law.
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