Shining a light on our work
Liberalisation and competition in Spain’s railway network
Competition expertise recognised in Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards 2023
Response to the EC’s draft revised Market definition Notice
Paving the way for hydrogen - Snam buys stake in North African gas pipelines
Frontier Economics joins the Royal Economic Society
Improving security of gas supply and competition in Germany
Frontier experts contribute to OUP handbook on electricity market design
Starting 2023 with promotions across the firm
Import opportunities for renewable hydrogen to Austria
Decarbonisation and supporting economic growth in the UK
Carbon-neutrality in the European road transport sector: A long road to net-zero?
Ofwat Final Methodology for PR24 (2025-2030)
Times are A-Changin’: The impact of climate change on the Irish telecoms network
Assessing the EdTech market in England
Reaching climate projection goals in the transport sector
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